Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit. or Learn More
Now accepting Telehealth appointments. 
Schedule a virtual visit. or Learn More


Telehealth in Miami, FL

Telehealth is a real-time conference—usually via video call—with your doctor about medical matters involving your physical or mental health.  At Dr. Peter V. Choy’s medical practice, we offer telehealth visits for individuals who need an M.D.’s touch but are interested in virtual visits rather than in-person. Dr. Peter V. Choy is an internal medicine physician and a cardiologist who is ready and willing to help patients, no matter their needs.

Telehealth Services in Miami, FL

  • \Virtual checkups
  • \Physical medical problems you think you may be experiencing
  • \Men’s health
  • \Obesity management
  • \Pain management
  • \Any other matters regarding your physical health or heart

Why Choose Us

To allow patients more flexibility when meeting with him, Dr. Choy has started offering telehealth to patients in Miami, FL. These telehealth appointments allow patients from all walks of life to get medical care, even if their presence must be virtual.  

We offer payment options for those without insurance and employ kind, multilingual staff for Spanish-speaking patients.